Thursday, January 29, 2009

Didn't or Haven't?

I always got confused with these two words.

For example, there was one time, when i want to collect the assignments (that should be graded) from the lecturer-in-charge:

Lecturer: Do you have the answer scheme?
Me (nervous) : No, I haven't got... oh.. didn't get it yet.

So, which one is correct?



Unknown said...

my advice is: see the question itself. it say "do you have..." so you have to answer accordingly i.e. "i have it" or "i don't have it yet"

simple :)

Unknown said...

heh. my english also isn't perfectly correct above. i should say "it says" instead of "it say"


ajezahmad said...

@ Szakif - Aah kan? Btol jugak. Never thought of that before. Silly me.

Adlan said...

wah. ni kelas english plak.. bagus2. keep it up.

aku pun nak blaja engilsh kat sini gak.

nanti letak aku dalam sidebar, 'my classmates' plak.. hehe

Unknown said...

ahaha~ adlan. i think your avatar suits you as being the educator.


ffincher said...

szakif betul dan logik. hihi.
kalau soalan tu 'have u got the scheme?' then u say 'i have/haven't got it' or 'yes/not yet.'

kalau 'did u get the scheme?'
well i think u know this one, 'i did/did not/yes/nope/didn't.'

ajezahmad said...

ahhh, sy sangat malu~~

Primary school pny grammar pon boleh confused.

Xper2. Ake tebalkan muka, for the sake of learning.

ajezahmad said...

@ myadlan - Ala adlan, u are already very good in english. Haha!

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