Thursday, March 5, 2009


One question. From the sign above, what is the name written in the Brush script (the kind-of-italic font)? FYI, I mispronounced it for the past three years. I just discovered the actual name last Sunday.

And, the answer is....

Jeng... Jeng... Jeng....

Yes! It's ANSR Niaga? Anyone got it correct? No?

Anyone thought it is ARUS Niaga? If it is so, then you are with me. As I mentioned before, for the past three years, I thought it was ARUS Niaga. Muahahaha!

ANSR Niaga is actually the name for Mahallah Siddiq's kiosk. The signage was just placed outsite the kiosk in this semester. If the owner didn't put the name in non-Brush Script font, I will never knew the real name of the kiosk. FYI, the name tagged on the goods was in Brush Script (as above). So, that's is why I thought the name is ARUS Niaga.

I prefer to go to this kiosk compared to Mahallah Ali's altough I am actually live in Mahallah Ali. Why? The goods are more variety to choose and the price is more reasonable at ANSR Niaga.

Leave me some comment please~


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