This post is specially dedicated to our kind and student-friendly LOP lecturer, Bro. Sharizal Idzuan B. Wahad Abdul Rahman (not Br. Shahrul ar). The pictures above were taken when we were having dinner together under Br Sharizal treat. This post is not written just because he 'belanja' us yesterday, but because he is actually a very nice lecturer (sometime terlebih nice pon ada).
He taught us Language for Occupational Purpose (LE4100) for the past 14 weeks and some of the topics that we learned during the period include the 5Cs in communication, the barriers of communication, how to make memos and letters and so on. He was very funny in class and we actually learned many informal facts + phrases from all his stories throughout the course this semester. Haha!
Nevertheless, I hope that I can do very well for the final exam which will be on 8th of April to prove that I actually really learned something during the class. This is because Bro Sharizal always ask us whether or not we learned anything at the end of each class. Hahaha!
Jom kawan2, let us score LE4100 together!
P/s - To Br Sharizal, if you are reading this, do not hesitate to comment on my grammar ya. I know I have many grammar errors here and there. Hahaha!
Read related post about the dinner here.
He taught us Language for Occupational Purpose (LE4100) for the past 14 weeks and some of the topics that we learned during the period include the 5Cs in communication, the barriers of communication, how to make memos and letters and so on. He was very funny in class and we actually learned many informal facts + phrases from all his stories throughout the course this semester. Haha!
Nevertheless, I hope that I can do very well for the final exam which will be on 8th of April to prove that I actually really learned something during the class. This is because Bro Sharizal always ask us whether or not we learned anything at the end of each class. Hahaha!
Jom kawan2, let us score LE4100 together!
P/s - To Br Sharizal, if you are reading this, do not hesitate to comment on my grammar ya. I know I have many grammar errors here and there. Hahaha!
Read related post about the dinner here.
gegambar ngarut yang len semalam mane? terlebey enjoy daa malam td..hehe
lagi satu baru ingat, aritu aku tersalah sebut nama sir waktu present.. aku ckp thanx to Mr. Shahril Idzuan..muahaha
Ada kat blog lagi satu. Huhu~
Aku siap tulis Bro Shahrul lagi time mid term. Hahaha!
Ooh..ko ke yg tulis bro.shahrul..hehe yang sir dok perli2 tu eh..haha
hai,ir aziz. nak betulkan nama sir sikit nie. Br. Shahrizal.. ko lupa letak 'h' la.. btw..thanks post gmbr2 yg menarik mlm tue...mmg hepi lah ngn ko n una mlm tu..lawak betul.. sampai salah jalan..
abby yg kat atas tu ye..kat bilik una nie..hehe..sempat nak comment jap
Salam Bro Aziz....thanks for the blog..he..he memang kita macam berparti tomyam jer...btw, thank u for getting my name right (saja lawak, k..).
thanks for being in class, lending your ears to hear each others thought, and heart that welcomes knowledge...all the best to u, and others for tomorrow's exam.
Sir Shahrizal
Err..Hmm..hi sir.. =)
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