Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The You-Stole-My-Crocs Message

I found this message when I was visiting IIUM last two weeks, I think. A brother, name Zakuan Azizi (I don't know him, btw) left a note on a side of crocs as in the picture below. Click the picture to enhuge.

Hahaha! If I were him, I just take the Crocs and runaway already (if I 100% sure that are my Crocs la of course..). BTW, I wonder what will happen to the pencuri selipar? Habes la kena ceramah ngan si Zakuan nih. (^.^'')

P/s - A pair of Crocs was stolen at IIUM during the month of Ramadhan. Hmmm, so irony.


ArsSisters said...

hahahhahahahaha!!! aku knl tu Zakuan Azizi

ajezahmad said...

@ Wani - Siapakah? Jgn repot kat dia. :p

Dilla said...

funny! btw, why is everyone go crazy over Crocs? Honestly, I think the design is some kind of weird plus non-stylish. Skechers is the way dude! :D

Unknown said...

Hek eleh~ Presiden SCIENCESS masa aku jadik Secretary General bawah dia kot. haha.. aku gtahu kat dia eh. ngeee :D

*sila reply di facebook. pasal kalau tak masalah, aku nak gtahu dia betol2. hehe..

ajezahmad said...

@ Dilla - Maybe sbb comfort kot. Tp kalo nak pi masjid, bek hati2 ar. Ramai pencurik Crocs kat Malaysia nih. Selipar Asadi sy yg seakan2 Crocs pon kena curik kat masjid UIA gak. Geram tol time tuh..

ajezahmad said...

@ Szakif - Lor, kamu juga kenala sama dia? Bg tau jer. Baru mencapud siket blog aku nih. Hahaha!

ajezahmad said...

* mencapub = mencari publisiti

don said...

salam..crocs sgt sinonim ngan zack (zakuan).n sape2 yg ade crocs (beli yg ori) dia tahu aa ape perasaan kalau kena sebat...lg2 yg da season n syok gile pakai..
tak kisah le mane2 pon kan..same je org nye..tak semua tempat org nye baik.ade jg yg kurang baik.bulan puasa??bgi yg mmg xreti bahasa..ade dorg kesah?
so,kpd pencuri(2) selipar...insap2 le korg..dan kpd yg len..tiru le bro zack kite..smpai kan syg kan umat lebih dari crocs kesayangan nya..hehehe

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